Board at DIGNITY
Board members and the Chairman of the board do not receive salary for their work.
Dea Seidenfaden
Chairperson at the Danish Psychological Association (Appointed by the Danish Psychological Association)
Vice Chairperson
Lars Udsholt
Global Program Manager, OXFAM Ibis
Manfred Nowak
Secretary general of the Global Campus of Human Rights (Appointed by the DIGNITY board)
Nomfundo Mogapi
Founder and CEO Centre for Mental Wellness and Leadership (CMWL) (Appointed by the DIGNITY board)
Lotte Leicht
International Advocacy Director at Climate Rights International (Appointed by DIGNITYs board)
Tomas Martin
Senior Researcher, DIGNITY (Employee appointed, DIGNITY)
Emil Kiørboe
Lawyer, Kontra Advokater (Appointed by the Council of The Danish Bar and Law Society)
Marie Louise Nørredam
Professor, University of Copenhagen (Appointed by University of Copenhagen)
Anna Mette Nathan
Appointed by the Danish Medical Association
Louise Holck
Director, Danish Institute of Human Rights (Appointed by the Danish Institute of Human Rights)
Sadia Khan
Psychologist, DIGNITY (Employee appointed alternate, DIGNITY)