Meet our researchers​

We conduct research into the causes, consequences, and prevention of torture as well as efficient trauma rehabilitation. On this site you can meet our researchers.

Jens Modvig

Senior Physician

Research area: Health aspects of torture and ill-treatment, prison health

Current/active research projects: Mental health and armed conflict in Colombia

Latest publication: Istanbul Protocol 2022 empowers health professionals to end torture – The Lancet

Linda Nordin

Head of research, PhD, Psychologist

Research area: Clinical psychology; refugees; torture; PTSD; pain; trauma focused treatment; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Current/active research projects: Danish Trauma Database (DTD), internet-ACT based treatment for PTSD and Pain, Pain School implementation and evaluation Jordan

Latest publications: Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Tortured and Traumatized Refugees with Traumatic Brain Injury (in press)

Andrew M. Jefferson

Senior Researcher (prison ethnographer)

Research area: Prisons and prison reform beyond the West; state-subject relations in sites of confinement; hierarchies of victimhood; the inhibition of torture and mundane violence; human rights practice in ‘transitional’ contexts; transformational justice; gender and structural inequalities

Current/active research projects: Legacies of Detention in Myanmar

Latest publications: Prison reform and torture prevention under ‘compromised circumstances’; Gender, Criminalization, Imprisonment and Human Rights in SE Asia

Other: Global Prisons Research Network

Henrik Rønsbo

Senior Researcher, anthropology

Research area: Anthropology of mass violence; social effects of violence and torture; idioms of suffering; histories of traumatology; civil society responses; Central America; South America; ethnography; mixed methods; social network analysis

Current/active research projects: Protection Project

Latest publications: Mothers, protection and care amongst communities affected by torture and state violence in Brazil

Other: Henrik Ronsbo –

Sabina Palic

Clinical researcher, authorized psychologist, senior researcher accredited

Research area: PTSD and complex PTSD in refugees; cross cultural psychiatry; treatment effectiveness; psychopathology; psychometrics

Current/active research projects: Danish Trauma Database for refugees (DTD)

Steffen Jensen

Senior Researcher, DIGNITY and Professor, Aalborg University

Research area: Human rights from below; police and gang violence; displacement and migration; urban violence and governance

Current/active research projects: Protection Project; Gangs, Gangsters and Ganglands

Latest publications: Rethinking human rights protection: lessons from survivors of torture and beyond?

Communal Intimacy and the Violence of Politics: Understanding the War on Drugs in Bagong Silang, Philippines

Other: VBN

Tomas Max Martin

Senior Researcher, DIGNITY

Research area: Prison ethnography; anthropology of state violence; perpetrator studies; carceral infrastructures and technologies; prison monitoring; human rights; accountability; transitions; imperialism and authoritarianism; Eastern Africa; Southeast Asia

Current/active research projects: Legacies of Detention; Vernacular Accountability; Dynamic Security

Latest publications:

The Prison and the Revolution in Myanmar, Penal duress in (post)colonial Myanmar, The Politics of Prison Air. Breath, Smell and Wind in Myanmar Prisons


Shr-Jie Sharlenna Wang

Senior Research, Clinical and Intervention Epidemiology, Public Health

Research area: Prevalence and pattern of torture and organized violence; refugees; PTSD; transgenerational trauma; epigenetic mechanism; cost-effectiveness evaluation; randomized controlled trial; scale validation; school and community intervention

Current/active research projects:

Latest publications:
Fransquet PD, Hjort L, Rushiti F, Wang SJ, Krasniqi SP, Çarkaxhiu SI, Arifaj D, Xhemaili VD, Salihu M, Leku NA, Ryan J. DNA methylation in blood cells is associated with cortisol levels in offspring of mothers who had prenatal post-traumatic stress disorder. Stress Health. 2022 Feb 4. doi: 10.1002/smi.3131.