Danish data collaboration to strengthen rehabilitation of traumatized refugees

A new extensive dataset about traumatized refugees is a big step for trauma research in Denmark, says Marie Høgh Thøgersen, Chief Psychologist from DIGNITY – Danish Institute against torture.

DIGNITY has along with four other treatment centres launched the country’s first database on traumatized refugees.

According to Marie Høgh Thøgersen, the database is a milestone for research on traumatized refugees.

»The database will bring new and important knowledge about the traumatized refugees, who are among the most vulnerable in the health sector. This knowledge will ensure, that we can continue offering effective, evidence-based treatment for this target group«, says Marie Høgh Thøgersen.

The Database has been named the Danish Trauma and Refugee database (DTD) and compiles data from five clinics. It contains information about more than 5000 traumatized refugees from 1982 until today.

The preliminary result of this collaboration can be found in the report “Traumatized refugees at Danish rehabilitation centers – a description of the target group and treatment effect” – the report, in Danish, can be found under publications.

The five centres involved from 2012-2015 were:

  • OASIS – Treatment and Counselling for Refugees
  • Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims Jylland (RCT-Jylland).
  • Clinic for PTSD and Anxiety, Aarhus.
  • DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture

In 2018 the collaboration was extended, as the centres committed to providing data from the clinics through 2022. At the same time, the collaboration was expanded to include Rehabilitation center for refugees Ålborg (RFC-Ålborg).