

Om Rehabilitering

Forside til painschool manual

The DIGNITY Physiotherapy Pain School for Trauma-Affected Populations©

A Multilingual Pain Treatment Manual for Groups or Individuals.

DIGNITY is excited to share the DIGNITY Physiotherapy Pain School Manual (DIGNITY Pain School). The aim of the DIGNITY Pain School treatment for Trauma-Affected Populations is to work alongside people impacted by trauma and/or ongoing stress to strengthen their abilities to live meaningful and engaged lives despite pain and stress experiences.

Forside til Beyond Pain manual

Beyond Pain

An Evidence-Based and Multilingual Biopsychosocial Pain Science Training and Treatment Manual. DIGNITY and ACR – The American Center for Rehabilitation are excited to share in a free and open source format. Beyond Pain is a pain science training and treatment manual available in English, Kurdish Sorani, and Arabic.

Forside til praxis-paper

Praxis Paper – Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors with special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances

Physiotherapy for torture survivors shares many features with other kinds of physiotherapy. The same clinical reasoning process and methodology is applied as for any other client. That said, torture survivors also show specific symptomatology. 

Forside til HPSS rapport

Needs and barriers for mental health and psychosocial support among Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The report is the result of a cooperation between DIGNITY, DRC Lebanon, and supported by the American University of Beirut (AUB) Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service. The research study received prior official approval by the National Mental Health Programme (NMHP), Ministry of Public Health Lebanon.

Forside til mental health dokument

Mental health survival tips for people facing post-coup trauma in Myanmar

We recognizing the immediate needs of people in Myanmar effected by recent and ongoing events we have compiled some mental health survival tips and had them translated into English, Burmese, Sagaw Karen and Kachin languages.

Forside til field manual on rehabilitation

DIGNITY Field Manual On Rehabilitation

This manual is intended to meet the need for sound, evidence-based and/or consensus-based advice in attempts to rehabilitate survivors of torture or organised violence, in regions with limited physical and human resources and lacking specialized medical care.

Forside til publikation om traumatiserede flygtninge

Traumatiserede flygtninge på danske rehabiliteringscentre

Målgruppebeskrivelse og effektmål.

Forside til Familien i fokus håndbog

Familien i fokus

En erfaringsbaseret metodehåndbog om tværfaglig rehabilitering af familier med traumerelateret vold.

Bestil bogen, send mail til [email protected]

Bogen koster 199kr + fragt 44kr

Forside til Kompas manual


DIGNITY’s Act manual til grupper for nyankomne flygtninge med traumereaktioner.

Erfaringer fra rehabiliteringsklinikken i DIGNITY viser, at traumatiserede flygtninge ofte lever i Danmark i mange år med svære følger efter traumer uden at modtage relevant og effektiv behandling.

Om Forebyggelse og dokumentation af tortur

DIGNITY Manual (2021)

Collaboration between medical doctors and lawyers when documenting torture in North Africa.

Marie Brasholt & Elna Søndergaard

Monitoring health in places of detention (2021)

An overview for health professionals.

This DIGNITY manual provides an overview of prison health aspects that are relevant when monitoring health in places of detention. It is primarily aimed at health professionals conducting monitoring visits as part of an independent monitoring body.

Towards a law (2020)

Mizan’s study on a new anti-torture law in Jordan.

Solitary Confinement as a Disciplinary Sanction (2017)

Prohibition and Prevention of Torture and ill-treatment in International and Regional Human Rights Treaties.


Documenting Torture While Providing Legal Aid: A Handbook for Lawyers

This handbook aims to assist lawyers worldwide, and to offer ideas and suggestions — based on PCATI’s extensive field experience — of how to provide the best legal aid while attempting to promote accountability of perpetrators and justice for the victims.

DIGNITY Guidance Documents

Global guidance on monitoring places of detention during the covid-19 pandemic. (2020)

A practical tool

Lisa Michaelsen & Kalliopi Kambanella

Reducing overcrowding in pre-trial detention and prison in the context of covid-19. (2020)

Increasing the use of non-cusodial measures.

Therese Maria Rytter & Kalliopi Kambanella

Synthesis of global guidance and recommendations on how to prevent and manage covid-19 in prisons. (2020)


DIGNITY Training Collection

A collection of material about prohibition and prevention of torture and other cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment or punishment.

Training Collection 1

Prohibition and Prevention of Torture and Ill-treatment in International and Regional Human Rights Treaties.

Training Collection 2 

Other Relevant UN Standards Supplementing the Human Rights Treaties.

Training Collection 3

Overview of thematic torture resolutions by the UN Human Rights Council; omnibus resolutions by the UN General Assembly, and thematic reports by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture 1990 – 2020.

Om Forebyggelse af vold

Urban Violence Study in Zarqa, Jordan
short report

The possibilities and limitations of Grassroots Human Rights protection (2023)

Pre-Trial Detention (2021)

DIGNITY has supported the Ministry of Justice in Tunisia in developing guidelines to decrease the extensive use of pre-trial detention and increase the ability of judges to play a preventive role.

Preventive Covid-19 measures and violence prevention (2020)

Covid-19 communication campaigns developed by DIGNITY partners CIPREVICA in Central America and MidRift and HURA in East Africa, as part of the Intersectoral Urban Violence Prevention (IUVP) programme.

101 things you wanted to know about the police but were to afraid to ask (2019)

The primary purpose of is to improve relations and build trust between the police and the public, enabling joint peace building efforts in Uganda.

Bedre trivsel for traumatiserede flygtningefamilier i udsatte boligområder (2018)

Projekt FLYV, er et 3-årigt interventions- og metodeudviklingsprojekt i Mjølnerparken og Gellerup-Toveshøj.

Position Paper on Urban Violence

Extra-custodial use of force (2018)

Enhancing human rights protection in urban areas through a comprehensive approach.

Social justice for all (2017)

Linking human rights, development and violence in the city: Contributing to safer cities.

Seven essential questions to ask about the Philippine war on drugs (2017)

Answers from Bagong Silang, Metro-Manila.

DIGNITY's Publikationsserie

No. 46 Leadership development as catalyst in partnership projects (Praxis paper)

Finn Kjaerulf, Stine Vejborg Andersen and Henrik Rønsbo

No. 45 Three protocols for the medico-legal documentation of psychological torture

Elna Søndergaard, Marie Brasholt and Pau Pérez-Sales

No. 44 The limits to cognitive social capital as a protective factor: Examining the buffering effects between intimate partner violence and depression among congolese refugee women

Camila Rodriguez Manrique

No. 43 Creating peaceful, fair and non-violent elections
(Nakuru and Baringo Countries, Kenya 2021-2022)

Mutuma Ruteere and Patrick Mutahi

No. 42 “Nine circles of hell”: Places of detention in Ukraine under the Russian occupation

Vadym Chovgan, Mykhailo Romanov and Vasyl Melnychuk

No. 41 Root Causes of Gender-based Violence in Informal Settlements in Nakuru, Kenya

Elise Denis-Ramirez, Leslie C. Rono and Elizabeth Anyango

No. 40 Mental health and well-being of adult Syrian refugees and host population in Jordan

Jessica E. Lambert and Amalie M. Skovengaard

No. 39 DIGNITY’s State Dialogue Programme to prevent torture.
Overview and analysis of implementation in Jordan and Tunisia (2008-2019)

Elna Søndergaard and Jo-Anne Prud’homme

No. 38 Torture in Egypt: Systemic and systematic

Giorgio Caracciolo, Ergun Cakal, The Committee for Justice and Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms

No. 37 Trauma and mental health difficulties among adult refugees in Kyaka ll settlement in Uganda

Jessica E. Lambert and Elise Denis-Ramirez

No. 36 Legal note on the standards of effective investigation of torture and other ill-treatment

Vadym Chovgan, Elna Søndergaard and Akashdip Sahota

No. 35 Torture como marca cotidiana. Narrativas sobre os Serviços de atenção às vítimas de tortura desenvolvidos no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo

Maria Gorete Marques de Jesus, Giane Silvestre & Thais Lemos Duarte

No. 34 The role of the police and security services during election violence in Sierra Leone

Andrew M Jefferson, Ahmed S Jalloh, Berthan L Bangura and John L Coker

No. 33 Gender based violence in two intermal settlements in Nakura country, Kenya

Jessica E. Lambert, Ph.D. and Bridget Michael

No. 32 IIşkence görmüş ki̇şi̇lerle çalişan fi̇zyoterapi̇stler i̇çi̇n uygulama rehberi̇ kroni̇k ağri, travma sonrasi stres bozukluğu ve uyku bozukluklari üzeri̇ne (Turkish)

Hanne Frank Nielsen

No. 31 Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors
With special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances (Arabic)

Hanne Frank Nielsen

No. 30 Place-based leadership development for intersectoral urban violence prevention – the cases of Nakuru and Naivasha, Kenya

Laura knight, Valentina Lugli, kath Cahalin and Dan Moloney

No. 29 Mental health treatment in traditional and faith-based healing centres in Ghana

Jessica E. Lambert, Jeanette Kørner, Nikolaj Mølgaard Thomsen and Fred Nantogmah

No. 28 Centering family relations in addressing violence in poor neighbourhoods
Perpetrators and protectors

Steffen Jensen, Meghan Belcher, Juancho Reyes, Dominique Dix-Peek, Cartor Temba and Nonhlanhla Sibanda

No. 27 Everyday violence and security in Tunisia

Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle

No. 26 Interventions pour les kinesithérapeutes travaillant avec des survivants de torture Avec une attention particulière sur la douleur chronique, le sspt et les troubles
Du sommeil

Hanne Frank Nielsen

No. 24 Survival and crisis in a diverse informal settlement: an action research project in Overcome Heights, South Africa

Nanna Schneiderman, Shari Thanjan, Derrick Naidoo, Steffen Jensen, Yolanda Anderson, Karen Mentoor, Shakena and Haziz Noredien and Gift Piri

No. 23 Suicide and self-harm in prisons

Maha Aon, Marie My Warborg Larsen and Marie Brasholt

No. 22 Étude sur la sécurité urbaine dans la Médina de Tunis

M. Adnen el Ghali, Dr. Yassine Turki and Ahlam Chemlali, chercheur collaborateur

No. 21 A study on urban security in the Medina of Tunis

M. Adnen el Ghali, Dr. Yassine Turki and Ahlam Chemlali, chercheur collaborateur

No. 19 Police practices in Liberia: a study of the legal frameworks and practices of fair trial, corruption and civilian oversight

Kari Øygard Larsen, Jo-Anne Prud’Homme, Steffen Jensen, Seidu Swaray and N. Russell Allen

No. 18 Legal study on policing and human rights standards internationally and in three countries of the global south (South Africa, Philippines and Liberia)

Jo-Anne Prud’Homme, Ernesto A. Anasarias, Themba Masuko, Malose Langa, Cara Casey Boyce, Kari Øygard Larsen, Steffen Jensen and N. Russell Allen

No. 17 Anti-torture advocacy in the Philippines: Building partnerships and alliances through transformative engagement

Joy Lascano, Kaloy Anasarias, Karl Hapal, Steffen Jensen and Andrew M. Jefferson

No. 16 Urban violence in Nakuru County, Kenya

Kamau Wairuri, Ahlam Chemlali and Mutuma Ruteree

No. 15 Psychosocial models for prevention and wellbeing: Addressing authority-based violence in urban neighbourhoods

Nomfundo Mogapi, Josephine Acuna Lascano, Ernesto A. Anasarias, Seidu Swaray, Themba Masuko and Steffen Jensen

No. 14 Social work models in addressing state and authority-based violence in Denmark and the Philippines

Carmel Ligon, Imelda Dura, Anna-Sofia Olesen Yurtaslan, Johanne Gregersen, Anna Bræmer Warburg, Maya Mynster Christensen and Steffen Jensen

No. 13 Organizing communities: Reflections on addressing authority-based violence in Monrovia, Manila and Johannesburg

Anna Warburg, Kaloy Anasarias, Nomfundo Mogapi, Seidu Swaray and Steffen Jensen

No. 12 Conditions for women in detention in Zambia: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices

Jo Baker

No. 11 Conditions for women in detention in Philippines: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices

Jo Baker

No. 10 Conditions for women in detention in Albania: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices

Jo Baker

No. 9 Conditions for women in detention in Jordan: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices

Jo Baker and Elna Søndergaard

No. 8 Consequences of torture and organized violence: Libya needs assessment survey

Fathi Ali, Ahlam Chemlali, Morten Koch Andersen, Mette Skar, Henrik Ronsbo and Jens Modvig

No. 7 Conditions for women in detention: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices

Jo Baker and Therese Rytter

No. 6 Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors, with special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances

Hanne Frank Nielsen

No. 5 Revisiting perpetration: The blurred boundaries of violence

Helene Risør, Kirsten Toft Bang and Steffen Jensen

No. 4 Children and juveniles in detention: Study on compliance with international standards in Sierra Leone

Prison Watch Sierra Leone with the support of The Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims

No. 3 Opfølgnings undersøgelse af pilotprojekt i Karlebo kommune: Mod en fælles indsats netværksarbejde til forebyggelse af ungdoms kriminalitet i traumatiserede flygtninge familier

Tine Smidt Lützen and Edith Montgomery

No. 2 Violence in Bagong Silang a research report prepared in collaboration between DIGNITY and Balay

By Steffen Jensen, Karl Hapal and Jens Modvig

No. 1 Finding our way: Developing a community work model for addressing torture

Megan Bantjes (CSVR), Malose Langa (CSVR) and Steffen Jensen (DIGNITY)


Peer-reviewed Articles

  1. Abuanzeh, A., & Søndergaard, E. (2023). International Perspectives on Jordan’s Legislation on Deprivation of Liberty Prior to Trial. Arab Law Quarterly (published online ahead of print 2023). DOI:


  1. Bager, Line; Agerbo, Esben; Skipper, Niels; Larsen, Janne Tidselbak & Laursen, Thomas Munk. (2023). Are migrants diagnosed with a trauma-related disorder at risk of premature mortality? A register-based cohort study in Denmark. Journal of migration and health; vol. 8, p. 100197. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmh.2023.100197


  1. Bernardsdóttir, Berglind; Sandahl, Hinuga; Carlsson, Jessica; Mortensen, Erik Lykke & Palic, Sabina. (2023). Psychotherapy readiness domains as predictors of psychotherapy outcome in trauma-affected refugees. Journal of affective disorders; vol. 325, p. 248-255. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.12.130


  1. Hvidegaard, M.; Lanng, K.; Meyer, K.; Wejse, C. & Hvass, AMF. (2023). What Are the Characteristics of Torture Victims in Recently Arrived Refugees? A Cross-Sectional Study of Newly Arrived Refugees in Aarhus, Denmark. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 Jul 10;20 (14): 6331. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20146331. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20146331


  1. Jefferson, Andrew M. & Martin, Tomas Max. (2023). Monitors and ethnographers: a reflection on affinities and potential synergies. Prison service journal, no. 265, p. 26-34


  1. Jefferson, Andrew M. & Martin, Tomas Max. (2023). Penal duress in (post)colonial Myanmar. Theoretical Criminology, p. 1-17. doi: 10.1177/13624806231162602


  1. Ibrahim, Mina & Jefferson, Andrew M. (2023). Scrutinizing prisons through art, activism, and academic critique. Prison Service Journal, no. 265, p. 52-56


  1. Kambanella, Kalliopi & Bergh, Brenda van den. (2023). Scrutinizing the prison during a pandemic and beyond : oversight from a distance in the Philippines. Prison Service Journal, no. 265, p. 16-25


  1. Lange, Ane Brøndum; Mortensen, Erik Lykke; Palic, Sabina; Sonne, Charlotte Kærgaard & Carlsson, Jessica. (2023). Refugees versus persons family reunified to a refugee: a comparison of sociodemographic factors, trauma history, baseline psychopathology and treatment effectiveness. Journal of affective disorders reports; vol. 13, p. 100586.


  1. Martin, T.M. & Jefferson, A.M. (2023). Gobierno indirecto en las prisiones (pos)coloniales: cuando los oficiales penitenciarios delegan el poder en los presos. Prisiones: revista electrónica del Centro de Estudios de Ejecución Penal; vol. 2, no. 3, p. 7-27


  1. Martin, Tomas Max & Jefferson, Andrew M. (2023). Prison scrutiny: editors’ introduction. Prison Service Journal, no. 265, p. 2-5


  1. Nielsen, Tine; Elklit, Ask; Vang, Maria Louison; Nielsen, Sabrina Brødsgaard; Auning-Hansen, Mikkel & Palic, Sabina. (2023). Cross-cultural validity and psychometric properties of the International Trauma Questionnaire in a clinical refugee sample. European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 1, p. 2172256.

DOI: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2172256


  1. Sales, Pau Perez; Brasholt, Marie; Podolian, Olena; Honchar, Yulia; Cakal, Ergün & Søndergaard, Elna. (2023). Protocol on medico-legal documentation of threats. Torture: journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 33, no. 1, p. 54-78.


  1. Thøgersen M.H., Bager L., Bangsgaard S.G., Palic S., Auning-Hansen M., Møller S.B., Larsen K.B., Tækker L., Jensen B.S., Bothe S. et al. The Danish trauma database for refugees (DTD): a multicenter database collaboration – overcoming the challenges andeEnhancing mental health treatment and research for refugees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023; 20(16):6611. DOI:


  1. Østergaard, Marie Louise D.; Aponte-Canencio, Diego Mauricio; Barajas Ortiz, Yenny; Velez Botero, Helena Johanna; Modvig, Jens Simon & Brasholt, Marie. (2023). Vulnerability factors in conflict-related mental health. Medicine, conflict and survival, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 63-80. DOI: 10.1080/13623699.2022.2156232


  1. Åkerblom, Sophia; Cervin, Matti; Nordin, Linda; Andersen, Tonny Elmose; Thøgersen, Marie Høgh & Perrin, Sean. (2023). Relations between PTSD symptom clusters and pain in three trauma-exposed samples with pain. Scandinavian journal of pain; vol. 23, no. 3, p. 483-493. DOI: 10.1515/sjpain-2022-0142

Book Chapters

  1. Jefferson, Andrew M. (2023). Governing the dead, the socially dead and the politically live: notes from the shared ‘hood’, in Sørensen, N.N. & Kyed, H.M. (eds.). (2023). Governing the living, the dead, and other unruly subjects. Copenhagen: DIIS


  1. Jensen, Steffen Bo. (2023). Rethinking state and non-state sovereignty: a homage to Finn Stepputat, in Sørensen, N.N. & Kyed, H.M. (eds.). (2023). Governing the living, the dead, and other unruly subjects. Copenhagen: DIIS

DIGNITY Publication Series

  1. Lambert, Jessica & Skovengaard, Amalie. (2023). Mental health and well-being of adult Syrian refugees and host population in Jordan. Copenhagen: DIGNITY. Publication Series #40


  1. Denis-Ramirez, Elise; Rono, Leslie C. & Anyango, Elizabeth. (2023). Root Causes of Gender-based Violence in Informal Settlements in Nakuru, Kenya. DIGNITY: Copenhagen. Publication Series #41


  1. Chovgan, Vadym; Romanv, Mykhailo & Melnychuk, Vasyl. (2023). “Nine circles of hell”: Places of detention in Ukraine under the Russian occupation. DIGNITY: Copenhagen. Publication Series #42


  1. Ruteere, Mutuma & Mutahi, Patrick. (2023). Creating peaceful, fair and non-violent elections

(Nakuru and Baringo Countries, Kenya 2021-2022). DIGNITY: Copenhagen. Publication Series #43

Other Publications

  1. Karstoft, Karen-Inge; Korchakova, Nataliia; Pedersen, Anne Agathe; Koushede, Vibeke; Weiskopf, Sofie Valentin; Power, Séamus A.; Morton, Thomas & Thøgersen, Marie Høg. (2023). Fordrevne ukrainere i Danmark : indledende resultater fra DARECO (The Danish Refugee Cohort). Københavns Universitet, Institut for Psykologi

  2. Jefferson, Andrew. (2023). Driving Forces: Arc of the Journeyman review. Available at Society & Space:

Peer-reviewed Articles

  • Bager, Line; Laursen, Thomas Munk; Palic, Sabina; Nordin, Linda & Thøgersen, Marie Høgh. (2022). Adverse childhood experiences among children of parents who are refugees affected by trauma in Denmark: a register-based cohort study. The Lancet Public Health, 2022 Sept. 14, vol. 7(10), E825-E833

  • Fransquet, Peter Daniel; Hjort, Line; Rushiti, Feride; Wang, Shr-Jie; Krasniqi, Sebahate Pacolli; Çarkaxhiu, Selvi Izeti; Arifaj, Dafina; Devaja, Vjosa; Salihu, Mimoza; Abdullahu-Leku, Nazmie & Ryan, Joanne. (2022). DNA methylation in blood cells is associated with cortisol levels in offspring of mothers who had prenatal post-traumatic stress disorder. Stress and Health, 2022 Feb. 4, pp. 1-12

  • Heisler, M.; Lin, J.; Modvig, J.; Esdaile, C. & Iacopino, V. (2022). Free Şebnem Korur Fincancı and end systematic silencing of health professionals. The Lancet, 26 November–2 December 2022, vol. 400, issue 10366, pp. 1843-1844

  • Hirad, Sara; Miller, Marianne. M.; Negash, Sesen & Lambert, Jessica. E. (2022). Refugee posttraumatic growth: a grounded theory study. Transcultural Psychiatry, 2022, pp. 1-13

  • Iacopino, Vincent; Haar, Rohini J.; Heisler, Michele; Lin, James; Fincancı, Şebnem Korur; Esdaile, Chris ; Modvig, Jens; Sveaass, Nora; Nathanson, Vivienne H.; Melzer, Nils & Cohen, Juliet. (2022). Istanbul Protocol 2022 empowers health professionals to end torture. The Lancet, 2022 June 29, vol. 400(10347), pp. 143-145

  • Jefferson, A. M. (2022). Prison reform and torture prevention under ‘compromised circumstances.’ Criminology & Criminal Justice, 29 June 2022

  • Jensen, Steffen & Kelly, Tobias. (2022). Rethinking human rights protection: lessons from survivors of torture and beyond?. Journal of the British Academy, 10 May 2022, vol. 10, supplementary issue 3, pp. 1-20

  • Jensen, S. B. & Schneidermann, N. (2022). Surviving in overcome heights: living in and alongside crisis in Cape Town. Global Discourse, 18 March 2022, vol. 12, issue 3-4, pp. 592–610

  • Jesus, Maria Gorete Marques de; Silvestre, Giane; Duarte, Thais Lemos & Ronsbo, Henrik. (2022). Mothers, protection and care amongst communities affected by torture and state violence in Brazil. Journal of the British Academy, 10 May 2022, volume 10, supplementary issue 3, pp. 97-116


  • Jefferson, Andrew M. (ed.) & Jeffries, Samantha (ed.). (2022). Gender, criminalization, imprisonment and human rights in Southeast Asia. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald

  • Jensen, Steffen Bo & Hapal, Karl. (2022). Communal intimacy and the violence of politics: understanding the war on drugs in Bagong Silang, Philippines. New York, USA: Cornell University Press

Book Chapters

  • Jefferson, Andrew M. & Jeffries, Samantha. (2022). Conclusion: decentering research and practice through mutual participation in Jefferson, Andrew M. (ed.) & Jeffries, Samantha (ed.). (2022). Gender, criminalization, imprisonment and human rights in Southeast Asia, p. 155-172. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald

  • Jefferson, Andrew M. & Jeffries, Samantha. (2022). Introduction to Gender, Criminalization, Imprisonment and Human Rights in Southeast Asia in Jefferson, Andrew M. (ed.) & Jeffries, Samantha (ed.). (2022). Gender, criminalization, imprisonment and human rights in Southeast Asia, p. 1-11. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald

  • Schröder, R.; Jensen, S. B. & Oliva, A. S. (2022). Situating Displacement in Schröder, R. (ed.); Jensen, S. B. (ed.) & Oliva, A. S. (ed). (2022). Situating displacement: explorations of global (im)mobility, p. 7-16. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang

DIGNITY Publication Series

  • Chovgan, Vadym; Søndergaard, Elna & Sahota, Akashdip. (2022). Legal note on the standards of effective investigation of torture and other ill-treatment. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 36

Other DIGNITY Publications

  • Worrall, Rob. (2022). Co-facilitator development programme: preventing violence and creating safe communities. Participant Workbook

  • Worrall, Rob. (2022). Place-based leadership development: preventing violence and creating safe communities. Participant Workbook

Other Publications

Peer-reviewed Articles

Cakal, Ergün. (2021). At the Threshold of Justiciable Violence: Configuring and Contesting Torture’s Production. Law, Culture and the Humanities


Cakal, Ergün. (2021). Everyday justice in Myanmar: Informal resolutions and state evasion in a time of contested transition, edited by Helene Maria Kyed [book review]. Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, vol. 53, no. 1

Cakal, Ergün. (2021). “For Such Purposes As”: Towards an embedded and embodied understanding of torture’s purpose. State Crime Journal, Vol. 9(2), pp. 152-168

DOI: 10.13169/statecrime.9.2.0152

Cakal, Ergün. (2021). Perception, practice and proximity. Qualifying threats as psychological torture in international law. Torture Journal, 31(1), pp. 19–36


Cakal, Ergün; Jefferson, Andrew M. & Martin, Tomas M. (2021). Danielle Celermajer, The Prevention of Torture: An Ecological Approach. Punishment & Society, 23(3), pp. 436–439


Dalgaard, Nina Thorup; Bjerre, Karen & Høgh, Marie Thøgersen. (2021). Twenty seven years of treating survivors of torture and organized violence – associations between torture, gender and ethnic minority status among refugees referred for treatment of PTSD. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12:1


Hjort L.; Rushiti, F.; Wang, SJ; Fransquet, P.; Krasniqi, S.P; Çarkaxhiu S.I; Arifaj, D.; Xhemaili, V.D; Salihu, M.; Leku, N.A & Ryan, J. Intergenerational effects of maternal post-traumatic stress disorder on offspring epigenetic patterns and cortisol levels. Epigenomics, 2021 June, 13(12): pp. 967-980


Jalloh, Ahmed; Coker, John; Sesay, Dambie; Jefferson, Andrew M. & Østergaard, Marie Louise Drivsholm. Responding to the coronavirus pandemic in Sierra Leone’s prisons : lessons from a civil society perspective. Prison Service Journal, no. 253, pp. 46-51

Jefferson, Andrew M.; Caracciolo, Giorgio; Kørner, Jeanette & Nordberg, Nina. Amplified Vulnerabilities and Reconfigured Relations: COVID-19, Torture Prevention and Human Rights in the Global South. State Crime Journal, Vol. 10, no. 1 (2021), pp. 147–69


Karrer, Anne-Mette; Hansen, Ane Kirstine Viller; Nordin, Linda & Drivsholm Oestergaard, Marie-Louise. (2021). Acceptability of a Physiotherapeutic Pain School Treatment in Trauma-Affected Populations in the Middle Eastern & Northern African Region. Torture Journal 30(3), pp. 43-60


Lambert, Jessica E. & Denckla, Christy. (2021). Posttraumatic stress and depression among women in Kenya’s informal settlements: risk and protective factors. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Vol. 12(1)


Martin, Tomas M. (2021). The politics of prison air: Breath, smell, and wind in Myanmar prisons. Punishment & Society, 23(4), pp. 478–496


Mehra, Nishant; Wang, Shr-Jie Sharlenna; Reyes, Juancho; Ambjørnsen, Mette Møhl & Jarl, Johan. (2021) Evaluation of an Alternative Learning System for youths at risk of involvement in urban violence in the Philippines. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation volume 19, Article number: 66 (2021)


Mehra, N.; Wang, SJ.S.; Reyes, J. et al. Evaluation of an Alternative Learning System for youths at risk of involvement in urban violence in the Philippines. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 9 October 2021, vol. 19, issue 66

Munk-Andersen, Ebbe; Toftgaard, Bettina & Modvig, Jens. (2021). Screening asylum-seekers in Denmark for torture using a structured questionnaire. Torture Journal, 31(2), pp. 99–109


Segal, Lotte B.; Zabiliūtė, Emilija; Motta, Marco; Cruz, Resto; Jefferson, Andrew M. & Das, Veena. (2021). Book Forum -Working with Veena Das’s Textures of the Ordinary: Anthropology after Wittgenstein. Conflict and Society, 7(1), pp. 198-213


Woldu Sara & Brasholt, Marie. (2021). Suspension torture and its physical sequelae. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2021 May;80:102155


Book Chapters

Jefferson, Andrew M. (2021). Embracing Lessons from Ethnography in Non-Western Prison in Jacobsson, Katarina (ed.) and Gubrium, Jaber F. (2021).Doing Human Service Ethnography, p. 209-226. Bristol, the United Kingdom: Bristol University Press

Jefferson, Andrew M. (2021). Time Changing Hands in Myanmar: On Former Prisoners’ Journeys into Politics in Chambers, Justine (ed.); Galloway, Charlotte (ed.) & Liljeblad, Jonathan (ed.). (2021). Living with Myanmar, p. 75-98. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing


Johannessen, Runa & Martin, Tomas Max. (2021). Walls and islands : exploring perpetual configurations of carcerality through architectural anthropology in Stender, Marie (ed.); Bech-Danielsen, Claus (ed.) & Landsverk, Aina Hagen (ed.). (2021). Architectural Anthropology Exploring Lived Space, chapter 5. London, The United Kingdom: Routledge

Martin, Tomas M. (2021). Dynamic security and the scientific exotic : vernacularisation and practical norms in Ugandan prison in Biecker, Sarah (ed.) & Schlichte, Klaus (ed.). (2021). The Political Anthropology of Internationalized Politics, p. 115-139. Maryland, the United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

DIGNITY Publication Series

Schneiderman, Nanna; Thanjan, Shari; Naidoo, Derrick; Jensen, Steffen; Anderson, Yolanda; Mentoor, Karen; Noredein, Shakena; Noredien, Haziz & Piri, Gift. Survival and crisis in a diverse informal settlement – an action research project in DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 24

Nielsen, Hanne Frank. (2020). Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors: With special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances. DIGNITY Publication Series, No. 32 [Turkish version of DIGNITY Publication Series, No. 6]

Jefferson, Andrew M; Jalloh, Ahmed S.; Bangura, Berthan L. & Coker, John L. (2021). The role of the police and security services during election violence in Sierra Leone. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 34

Jesus, Maria Gorete Marques de; Silvestre, Giane & Duarte, Thais Lemos. (2021). TORTURA COMO MARCA


Lambert, Jessica E. & Denis-Ramirez, Elise. (2021). Trauma and the health difficulties among adult refugees in Kyaka II settlement in Uganda. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 37

Caracciolo, Giorgio; Cakal, Ergün & The Committee for Justice & Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms. (2021). Torture in Egypt: Systemic and systematic. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 38

Søndergaard, Elna & Prud’homme, Joanne. (2021). DIGNITY’s state dialogue programme to prevent torture: overview and analysis of implementation in Jordan and Tunisia 2008-2019. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 39

Other DIGNITY Publications

Brasholt, Marie & Søndergaard, Elna. (2021). Collaboration between medical doctors and lawyers when documenting torture in North Africa. DIGNITY Manual

Worrall, Rob. (2021). Co-facilitator development programme: preventing violence and creating safe communities. Design and Delivery Guide

Worrall, Rob; Knight, Laura & Cahalin, Kath. (2021). Place-Based Leadership Development for Intersectoral Urban Violence Prevention Co-Facilitator Development Programme (CFDP) Design and Delivery Guide: Preventing Violence and Creating Safe communities. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence

Worrall, Rob; Knight, Laura; Lugli, Valentina & Cahali, Kath. (2021). Place-based leadership development: Preventing violence and creating safe communities: facilitator’s guide. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence


Alempijevic, Djordje; Beriashvili, Rusudan; Beynon, Jonathan; Birmanns, Bettina; Brasholt, Marie; Cohen, Juliet; Duque, Maximo; Duterte, Pierre; Es, Adriaan van; Fernando, Ravindra; Fincanci, Sebnem Korur; Hamzeh, Sana; Hansen, Steen Holger; Hardi, Lilla; Heisler, Michele; Iacopino, Vincent; Leth, Peter Mygind; Lin, James; Louahlia, Said; Luytkis, Hege; Modvig, Jens; Morcillo Mendez, Maria-Dolores; Moreno, Alejandro; Moscoso, Valeria; Oral, Resmiye; Ozkalipci, Onder; Payne-James, Jason;  Quiroga, Jose; Reyes, Hernan; Rogde, Sidsel; Sajantilla, Antti; Schick, Matthis; Terzidis, Agis; Thomsen, Jorgen Lange; Tidball-Binz, Morris; Treue, Felicitas; Vanezis, Peter; Viera, Duarte Nuno. (2020). Statement on Conversion Therapy. Torture: 30(1), pp. 66-78

Bager, L.; Agerbo, E; Skipper, N.; Thøgersen, MH; Laursen, TM. (2020). Risk of psychiatric diagnoses in children and adolescents of parents with torture trauma and war trauma [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 21]. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2020;10.1111/acps.13203. doi:10.1111/acps.13203

Brasholt, M; Bergh, BVD; Bllaca, E; Mejía, A; Larsen, MMW; Levinsen, AKG; Modvig, JS. (2020). The risk of sanctions following visits by monitoring bodies; a study conducted in Albania and Honduras. Torture Journal, Vol. 30(2), pp. 89–103

Cakal, Ergün. (2019). Political Violence and Its Discontents. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies: 10(1), pp. 7-40.

Cakal, Ergün. (2020). Pluralism, Tolerance and Control: On the Millet System and the Question of Minorities. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights: 27(1), pp. 34-65

Gaborit, Liv S. (2020). Visited by spirits: ‘betwixt and between’ in meditation and solitary confinement in Myanmar. Incarceration: an International Journal of Imprisonment, Detention and Coercive Confinement: 1(1), pp. 1-17

Jefferson, Andrew M.; Martin, Tomas Max. (2020). Connecting and Disconnecting: Exploring Prisoners’ Relations with the Outside World in Myanmar. The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology: Volume 38, Number 1, Spring 2020: pp. 105–122

Jensen, S.; Hapal, K.; Quijano, S. (2020). Reconfiguring Manila: Displacement, Resettlement, and the Productivity of Urban Divides. Urban Forum, Vol. 31, pp. 389–407

Jensen, Steffen. (2020). The Urban and the Carceral. The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology Volume 38, Number 1, Spring 2020: pp. 140–145

Lambert, J.; Nantogmah, F.; Dokurugu, A.; Alhassan, H.; Azuure, S.; Yaro, P.; Kørner, J. (2020). The treatment of mental illness in faith-based and traditional healing centres in Ghana: Perspectives of service users and healers. Global Mental Health, Vol. 7, E28

Ostergaard, Liv Stubbe; Wallach-Kildemoes, Helle; Thøgersen, Marie H.; Dragsted, Ulrik B.; Oxholm, Annemette; Hartling, Ole; Norredam, Marie. (2020). Prevalence of torture and trauma history among immigrants in primary care in Denmark : do general practitioners ask?. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 30(6), 2020, pp. 1163-1168

Warburg, Anna B.; Jensen, Steffen. (2020). Ambiguous fear in the war on drugs: A reconfiguration of social and moral orders in the Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 51(1-2), pp. 5-24

Warburg, Anna B.; Jensen, Steffen. (2020). Policing the war on drugs and the transformation of urban space in Manila. Society and Space: 2020, Vol. 38(3), pp. 399–416

Weegels, J.; Jefferson, A.; Martin, T. (2020). Confinement Beyond Site: Connecting Urban and Prison Ethnographies. The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology: Volume 38, Number 1, Spring 2020: pp. 1–14


Evans, Malcolm, D. (ed.) & Modvig, Jens (ed.). (2020). Research handbook on torture: legal and medical perspectives on prohibition and prevention. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Elgar

Turner, Simon (ed.) | Jensen, Steffen (ed.). (2020). Reflections on life in ghettos, camps and prisons : stuckness and confinement. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge

Book Chapters

Dalgaard, N.; Thøgersen, MH; Riber, K. (2020). Transgenerational trauma transmission in refugee families: The role of traumatic suffering, attachment representations, and parental Caregiving. Haene, LD (ed.); Rousseau, C. (eds). (2020). Working with refugee families: trauma and exile in family relationships (Part 1, chap. 2, pp. 36-49). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Jefferson, Andrew M. (2020). Time changing hands in Myanmar: On former prisoners’ journeys into politics. Chambers, Justine (ed.); Galloway, Charlotte (ed.); Liljeblad, Jonathan (ed.). (2020). Living with Myanmar (Part II, chap. 4). Singapore: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute

Singla, Rashmi; Thøgersen, Marie Høgh. (2020). Intercultural Counselling in Denmark. Portera, A. et al. (2020). Intercultural Mediation Counselling and Psychotherapy in Europe (chap. 13, pp. 211-230). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Book Reviews

Cakal, Ergün; Jefferson, Andrew M.; Martin, Tomas M. (2020). Danielle Celermajer, The Prevention of Torture: An Ecological Approach. Punishment & Society


Gaborit, Liv. (2020).“We are Like Water in Their Hands” – experiences of imprisonment in Myanmar. PhD dissertation; Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University

DIGNITY Publications

Publication Series:

Schneiderman, Nanna; Thanjan, Sha ri; Naidoo, Derrick; Jensen, Steffen; Anderson, Yolanda; Mentoor, karen; Noredien, Shakena; Noredien, Haziz; Piri, Gift. (2020). Survival and crisis in a diverse informal settlement: An action research project in Overcome Heights, South Africa. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 24

Jensen, Steffen; Belcher, Meghan; Reyes, Juancho; Dix-Peek, Dominique; Cartor, Temba; Sibanda, Nonhlanhla. (2020). Perpetrators and protectors: Centering family relations in addressing violence in poor neighbourhoods. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 28

Lambert, Jessica; Kørner, Jeanette; Thomsen, Nikolaj Mølgaard; Nantogmah, Fred. (2020). Mental health treatment in traditional and faith-based healing centres in Ghana. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 29

Knight, Laura; Lugli, Valentina; Cahalin, Kath & Moloney, Dan. (2020). Place-based leadership developmentfor intersectoral urban violence prevention. The cases of Nakuru and Naivasha, Kenya. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 30

Nielsen, Hanne Frank. (2020). Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors: With special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances. DIGNITY Publication Series, No. 31 [Arabic version of DIGNITY Publication Series, No. 6]

Lambert, Jessica; Michael, Bridget. (2020). Gender based violence in two informal settlements in Nakuru county, Kenya. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 33

Søndergaard, Elna & Prud’homme, Jo-Anne. (2021). DIGNITY’s state dialogue programme to prevent torture: Overview and analysis of implementation in Jordan and Tunisia 2008-2019. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 39


Bergh, Brenda van den; Michalsen, Lisa; Brasholt, Marie & Modvig, Jens. (2020). Manual: Monitoring health in places of detention: an overview for health professionals. Copenhagen, Denmark: DIGNITY

“Beyond pain: an Evidence-Based and Multilingual Biopsychosocial Pain Science Training and Treatment Manual”, (2020). Copenhagen, Denmark: DIGNITY [English, Arabic and Kurdish versions]

Other DIGNITY Publications:

Rytter, Therese Maria & Kambanella, Kalliope. (2020). Reducing overcrowding in pre-trial detention and prison in the context of COVID-19: increasing the use of non-custodial measures. DIGNITY Guidance Document [English, Arabic, French, Russian and Ukrainian versions]

Michaelsen, Lisa & Kambanella, Kalliope. (2020). Global guidance on monitoring places of detention during the COVID-19 pandemic: a practical tool. DIGNITY Guidance Document [English, Arabic and French versions]

“Synthesis of global guidance and recommendations on how to prevent and manage COVID-19 in prisons” (2020). DIGNITY Guidance Document [English, Arabic, French, Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish versions]



Bergh, B.V.D.; Brasholt, M.; Swai, P.J; Saidia, P.; Kidew, M.; Hincheli, N.L.; Aon, M.; Modvig, J. (2019). Torture and Torture Practices in Tanzania: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice Among Medical Professionals. Torture. 2019, 29(2), pp. 70-80

Cakal, Ergun. (2019). Befogging Reason, Undermining Will: Understanding Sleep Deprivation as Torture and Other Ill-Treatment in International Law. Torture Journal. 2019, 29(2), pp. 11-22

Cakal, Ergun. (2019). Political Violence and Its Discontents: A Critique of Refugee Status as Purely Civilian and Humanitarian. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies. 2019, 10(1), pp. 7-40

Cakal, Ergun. (2019). Pluralism, Tolerance and Control: On the Millet System and the Question of Minorities. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 2019 June

Christiansen, C.; Jensen, S. B.; Kelly, T. (2019). A predisposed view: State violence, human rights organisations and the invisibility of the poor in Nairobi. African Human Rights Law Journal. 2019 January, 19(2), pp. 721-742 22 p.

Dragsted, Brigitte. (2019). Crackdown economics: Policing of hawkers in Nairobi as violent inclusion. Geoforum. 2019 June, 102(2019), pp. 69-75

Gaborit, Liv. (2019). Looking through the Prison Gate: Access in the field of ethnography. Cadernos Pagu. 2019 (55), pp. 1-25

Haar, R.J.; Lin, J.; Modvig, J.; Nee, J.; Iacopino, V. (2019). The Istanbul Protocol: A Global Stakeholder Survey on Past Experiences, Current Practices and Additional Norm Setting. Torture. 2019, 29(1), pp. 70-84

Hahonou, Eric; Martin, Tomas Max. (2019). Immersion in the Bureaucratic Field: Methodological Pathways. Critique of Anthropology. 2019 May, 39(2), pp. 122–138

Jefferson, A. M.; Schmidt, B. E. (2019). Concealment and Revelation as Bureaucratic and Ethnographic Practice: Lessons from Tunisian Prisons. Critique of Anthropology. 2019 April, 39(2), pp. 155-171

Jefferson, Andrew M.; Segal, Lotte Buch. (2019). The Confines of Time: On the Ebbing Away of Futures in Sierra Leone and Palestine. Ethnos. 2019, 84(1), pp. 96-112

Jefferson, A.; Turner, S.; Jensen, S. (2019). Introduction: On Stuckness and Sites of Confinement. Ethnos. 2019, 84(1), pp. 1-13

Lambert, J.E.; Witting, A.B.; Ponnamperuma, L.; Wickrama, T. (2019). Subjective reactions to international research participation: An illustration of ethical considerations with women heading households in Sri Lanka. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 2019, 89(4), pp. 518–523

Lambert, J.E.; Witting, A.B.; James, S.; Ponnamperuma, L.; Wickrama, T. (2019). Toward understanding posttraumatic stress and depression among trauma-affected widows in Sri Lanka. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2019 July, 11(5), pp. 551–558

Martin, Tomas Max. (2019). The Ethnographer as Accomplice: Edifying Qualms of Bureaucratic Fieldwork in Kafka’s Penal Colony. Critique of Anthropology. 2019 April, 39(2), pp. 139–154

Martin, T.; Jefferson, A. (2019). Prison Ethnography in Africa: Reflections on a Maturing Field. Politique Africaine. 2019, 155(3), pp. 131-152

Nordin, Linda; Perrin, Sean. (2019). Pain and posttraumatic stress disorder in refugees who survived torture: The role of pain catastrophizing and trauma‐related beliefs. European Journal of Pain. 2019, Vol. 00, pp. 1–10

Pérez-Sales, P.; Søndergaard, E.; Shir, E.; Cakal, E.; Brasholt, M. (2019). Protocol on Medico-Legal Documentation of Sleep Deprivation. Torture Journal. 2019, 29(2), pp. 28-55

Skar, M.; Lokdam, N.; Liebling, A.; Muriqi, A.; Haliti, D.; Rushiti, F.; Modvig, J. (2019). Quality of Prison Life, Violence and Mental Health in Dubrava Prison. International Journal of Prisoner Health. 2019 August, 15(3), pp. 262-272

Søndergaard, Elna; Skillbeck, Rupert; Shir, Efrat. (2019). Development of interdisciplinary protocols on medico-legal documentation of torture: Sleep deprivation. Torture Journal. 2019, 29(2), pp. 23-27

Waltorp, K; Jensen, S. (2019). Awkward Entanglements: Kinship, Morality and Survival in Cape Town’s Prison–township Circuit. Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. 2019, 84(1), pp. 41-55

Witting, A.B.; Lambert, J.; Wickrama, T. (2019). War and disaster in Sri Lanka: Implications for widows’ family adjustment and perception of self‐efficacy in caring for one’s family. International journal of Psychology. 2019 February, 54(1), pp. 126-134.

Witting, A.B.; Lambert, J.; Johnson, L.N.; Goodkin, C.; Wickrama, T. (2019). The stigma of widowhood in war and disaster affected communities of Sri Lanka: Contextual paths between trauma exposure and mental health distress. International Journal of Psychology. 2019 September

Worrall, Rob; Kjaerulf, Finn. (2019). Transforming minds, people and places: Leadership coalition building as catalyst for intersectoral collaboratives in urban violence prevention. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 2019, Vol. 47, pp. 282-292

Books and chapters

Jefferson, Andrew M.; Segal, Lotte Buch. (2019). The Confines of Time: On the Ebbing Away of Futures in Sierra Leone and Palestine. In Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Camps and Prisons: Stuckness and Confinement. (2019). Turner, S. (ed.); Jensen, S. B. (ed.), chap. 7. United Kingdom: Routledge

Jefferson, A.; Turner, S.; Jensen, S. (2019). Introduction: On Stuckness and Sites of Confinement. In Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Camps and Prisons: Stuckness and Confinement. (2019). Turner, S. (ed.); Jensen, S. B. (ed.), chap. 1. United Kingdom: Routledge

Petersen, M. J. (ed.); Jensen, S.B. (ed.). (2019). Faith in the system? Religion in the (Danish) asylum system. Denmark: Aalborg Universitetsforlag

Petersen, M. J.; Jensen, S.B. (2019). Faith in the system? Religion in the (Danish) asylum system. In Faith in the system? Religion in the (Danish) asylum system. (2019). Petersen, M. J. (ed.); Jensen, S. B. (ed.), p. 5-18. Denmark: Aalborg Universitetsforlag

Turner, S. (ed.); Jensen, S. B. (ed.). (2019). Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Camps and Prisons: Stuckness and Confinement. United Kingdom: Routledge

DIGNITY Publication Series

Frank, Hanne. (2019). Interventions pour les kinesithérapeutes travaillant avec des survivants de torture: Avec une attention particulière sure la douleur chronique, le sspt et les troubles du sommeil. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 26 [Arabic version]

Knight, Laura; Lugli, Valentina; Cahalin, Kath; Moloney, Dan. (2019). Place-Based Leadership Development for Intersectoral Urban Violence Prevention. The cases of Nakuru and Naivasha, Kenya. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 30

Rikke Hostrup Haugbølle (ed.) (2019) Everyday Violence and Security in Tunisia. Conference Proceeding DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 27

Other Publications

Cakal, Ergun (2019). Gendered Justice: Socio-legal perspectives on Myanmar’s criminal justice system. Presentation Manuscript. Panel: Critical perspectives on penality in Southeast Asia, 10th European Association for South East Asian Studies Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin, 13 September 2019

Cakal, Ergun. (2019). Legal Review of Prisoner Contact Rights with the Outside World: A Commentary. In Prisoners’ contact with the outside world in Myanmar. (2019). Jefferson, A.M. (ed.); Htaik, U Than; Aung, Nwe Ni; Cakal, Ergun; Naing, Kyaw Lin; Oo, Aung Lin; Martin, Tomas Max, p. 52-60. Justice for All & DIGNITY. 2019 August

Chantraine, Gilles; Martin, Tomas. (2019). Ordres et désordres de l’évasion carcérale. Criminocorpus: Revue d’Histoire de la Justice, des Crimes et des Peines. 2019 December

Gaborit, Liv. (2019). Beyond the Prison Gate: Recognition through Photography and Action Research in Myanmar. Border Criminologies. 2019 December

Gaborit, Liv; Jefferson, Andrew. (2019). Rioting for Rule of Law: Prison Amnesties and Riots in Myanmar. Tea Circle. 2019 June

Jefferson, A.M. (ed.); Htaik, U Than; Aung, Nwe Ni; Cakal, Ergun; Naing, Kyaw Lin; Oo, Aung Lin; Martin, Tomas Max. (2019). Prisoners’ contact with the outside world in Myanmar. Justice for All & DIGNITY. 2019 August

Peer-reviewed articles

Afana, A.J.; Tremblay, J.; Ghannam, J.; Ronsbo, H. & Veronese, G. (2018). Coping with trauma and adversity among Palestinians in the Gaza Strip: A qualitative, culture-informed analysis. Journal of Health Psychology. 2018 July 5; 00(0), p. 1-8

Andersen, M.K. (2018). Why corruption matters in Human Rights. Journal of Human Rights Practice. 2018 February; 10(1), p. 179–190

Aon M.; Sungusia, H; Brasholt, M; Van Den Bergh, B. & Modvig, J. (2018). Voices of torture survivors in Tanzania: A qualitative study. Torture. 2018;28(3):92-103. doi: 10.7146/torture.v28i3.111199. PMID:30649844

Bager, L.; Hansen, K.S.; Andersen, C.J & Wang, S. (2018). Does multidisciplinary rehabilitation of tortured refugees represent ‘value-for-money’?: A follow-up of a Danish case-study. BMC Health Services Research. 2018 June; 18(1), p. 443

Cakal, E. (2018). Debility, dependency and dread: On the conceptual and evidentiary dimensions of psychological torture. Torture Journal. 2018 August; 28(2), p. 15-37

Chang, W.; Andersen, C.J.; Berisha, B.S.; Estrup, O. & Wang, S. (2018). Economic evaluation of a bio-psycho-social intervention for comorbid disorders in a traumatized population in post-war Kosovo. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018 May; 50(5), p. 444-450

Jefferson, A.M. & Jalloh, A.S. (2018). Health provision and health professional roles under compromised circumstances: Lessons from Sierra Leone’s prisons. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 2018 July; 00(0), p. 1-19

Jefferson, A.; Turner, S. & Jensen, S. (2018). Introduction: On stuckness and sites of confinement. Ethnos. 2019, 84(1), p. 1-13 [Published online in 2018]

Jefferson, A.M. & Segal, L.B. (2018). The confines of time: On the ebbing away of futures in Sierra Leone and Palestine. Ethnos. 2019; 84(1), p. 96-112 [Published online in 2018]

Jensen, S. & Hapal, K. (2018). Police violence and corruption in the Philippines: Violent exchange and the war on drugs. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 2018, 37(2), p. 39–62

Jensen, S.; Kelly, T. & Choudhury, Z.A. (2018). Counting torture: Towards the translation of robust, useful, and inclusive Human Rights indicators. Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 2018 October; 36(2), p. 132-150

Warburg, A.B. & Jensen, S. (2018). Policing the war on drugs and the transformation of urban space in Manila. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 2018 December; 00(0), p. 1-18

Worrall, R. & Kjaerulf, F. (2018). Building collaborative capability between law enforcement and civil society leaders to prevent urban violence. International Journal of Public Health. 2018 November; 63(8): p. 969-976

Books and book chapters

Christensen, M.M. (2018). Shaky grounds: Risk, profit and violent mobilization in Sierra Leone. In Sporadically radical: Ethnographies of organized violence and militant mobilization. (2018). Jensen, S. (ed.) & Vigh, H.E. (ed.), p. ?. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press

Huber, A. & Rytter, T. (2018). Women in the criminal justice system and the Bangkok Rules. In Gender Perspectives on Torture: Law and Practice. (2018). Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (ed.), p. 217-38. United States: American University Washington College of Law

Huber, A. & Rytter, T. (2018). Women, peace and security and the Convention against Torture. In The Oxford handbook of women, peace, and security. (2018). Davies, S.E. (ed.) & True, J. (ed.), chap. 56. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press

Jefferson, A.M. (2018). There is no escape: Constrained tales of sovereign practice and relations. In Prison breaks: Toward a sociology of escape. (2018). Martin, T.M. (ed) & Gilles, Chantraine (ed.), chap. 2 (p. 61-85). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan

Jensen, S. (2018). Introduction. In Sporadically radical: Ethnographies of organized violence and militant mobilization. (2018). Jensen, S. (ed.) & Vigh, H.E. (ed.), p. 7-38. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press

Jensen, S. (ed.) & Vigh, H.E (ed.). (2018). Sporadically radical: Ethnographies of organized violence and militant mobilization. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press

Jensen, S. (2018). A world of significance: Equality, ritual and violence in a Manila fraternity. In Sporadically radical: Ethnographies of organized violence and militant mobilization. (2018). Jensen, S. (ed.) & Vigh, H.E. (ed.), p. 147-174. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press

Martin, T.M. (ed) & Gilles, Chantraine (ed.). (2018). Prison breaks: Toward a sociology of escape. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan

Martin, T.M & Gilles, Chantraine. (2018). Introduction: Toward a sociology of escape in prison breaks. In Prison breaks: Toward a sociology of escape. (2018). Martin, T.M. (ed) & Gilles, Chantraine (ed.), p. 1-29. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan

Martin, T.M. (2018). The tricky escape from Kizoti Court: Entanglement, precarity and Ugandan prison staff. In Prison breaks: Toward a sociology of escape. (2018). Martin, T.M. (ed) & Gilles, Chantraine (ed.), chap. 9 (p. 237-262). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan

DIGNITY Publications Series

Larsen, K.Ø.; Prud’Homme, J.; Jensen, S.; Swaray, S. & Allen, N.R. (2018). Police practices in Liberia: A study of the legal frameworks and practices of fair trial, corruption and civilian oversight. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 19

Ghali, A.E.; Turki, Y. & Chemlali, A. (2018). A study on urban security in the medina of Tunis. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 20

Ghali, A.E.; Turki, Y. & Chemlali, A. (2018). Étude sur la sécurité urbaine dans la médina de Tunis. DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 21


Brasholt, M.; Meyer, K. & Modvig, J. (2018). Fra frygt til styrke. Portræt af Nobelprisvinder Denis Mukwege. Bibliotek for Læger 4/2018

Christensen, M.M. (2018). Bedre trivsel for traumatiserede flygtningefamilier i udsatte boligområder: Et interventions- og metodeudviklingsprojekt i Mjølnerparken og Gellerup-Toveshøj. Dansk Institut mod Tortur – DIGNITY

Christensen, M.M.; Jensen, S. & Larsen, K.Ø. (2018). Extra-custodial use of force: Enhancing Human Rights protection in urban areas through a comprehensive approach. Position Paper, Danish Institute Against Torture – DIGNITY

Torture documentation practices in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. (2018). Study, Danish Institute Against Torture – DIGNITY [Detention]

Peer-reviewed articles

Byberg, S. ; Østergaard, M.L.D. ; Rodrigues, A. ; Martins, C. ; Benn C.S. ; Aaby, P. ; Fisker A.B. (2017). Analysis of risk factors for infant mortality in the 1992-3 and 2002-3 birth cohorts in rural Guinea-Bissau. Public Library of Science one (PloS One). 2017 May; 18;12(5): e0177984

Christensen, Maya Mynster. (2017). Shadow Soldiering: Private Security Provision from Below in Sierra Leone. Conflict and Society. 3(1), p. 24-41

Christensen, Maya Mynster. (2017). The Underbelly of Global Security: Sierra Leonean ex-militias in Iraq. In
The Politics of Private Security Provision in Sub-Saharan Africa: From the Global Assemblage to the Everyday, Paul Higate & Mats Utas (eds.), pp. 70-89. Zed Books

Hansen, A.K.V ; Hansen-Nord, N.S. ; Smeir, I ; Engelkes-Heby, L ; Modvig, J. (2017). Impact of Narrative Exposure Therapy on torture survivors in the MENA region. Torture Journal. 2017, 27:3, p. 49-63

Jefferson, Andrew M. (2017). Psychological Torture. Definition, evaluation and measurement, by Pau Perez-Sales. Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict2018, 16:1, p. 61-62

Jefferson, Andrew M. (2017). Situated Perspectives on the Global Fight Against Torture. In Reflexivity and criminal justice: Intersections of policy, practice and research, Sarah Armstrong, Jarrett Blaustein & Alistair Henry (eds.), p. 335-356. Palgrave Macmillan

Jensen, S. ; Johansen, M.L. (2017). “They want us out”: Urban regeneration and the limits of integration in the Danish welfare state. Critique of Anthropology. 2017, 37:3, p. 297-316

Jensen, S. ; Kelly, T. ; Andersen, M. K. ; Christensen, C. ; Sharma, J. (2017). Torture and Ill-Treatment Under Perceived: Human Rights Documentation and the Poor. Human Rights Quarterly. 2017, 39:2, p. 393-415

Jensen, S. ; Bjerre Andersen, S. (2017). Partnership as Interpellation. European Journal of Development Research. 2017, 29:1, p. 93-107

Mikton, C.R. ; Tanaka, M. ; Tomlinson, M. ; Streiner, M. ; Tonmyr, L. ; Lee, B.X. ; Fisher, J. ; Hegadoren, K. ; Pim, J.M. ; Wang, S. ; MacMillan, H.R. (2017). Global research priorities for global violence prevention: A modified Delphi study. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2017 January, 1:95(1), p. 36–48

Sharma, J. ; M. K. Andersen (2017). Torture Redress Mechanisms in Nepal and Bangladesh: A Comparative Perspective. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. LII., no. 17

Wang, SJ. ; Ardiana, B. ; Izeti, S. ; Kallaba M. ; Rushiti, F. ; Montgomery, E. ; Modvig, J. (2017). A novel bio-psycho-social approach for rehabilitation of traumatized victims of torture and war in the post-conflict context: a pilot randomized controlled trial in Kosovo. Conflict and Health. 2017 February, 8;10:34. doi: 10.1186/s13031-016-0100-y. eCollection 2016

Østergaard, M.L.D ; Nordentoft, M. ; Hjorthøj, C.R. (2017). Suicide and suicide attempts among psychiatric patients with alcohol or substance use disorders: A Danish nationwide cohort study of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, unipolar depression or personality disorder. Addiction. 2017 Jul;112(7):1250-1259. Link:

Peer-reviewed books, book chapters and articles

Andersen MK. Time-use, activism and the making of future. South Asia: journal of South Asian studies, 2016 39(2) : p. 415-429.

Bandy X. Lee, Finn Kjaerulf, Shannon Turner, Larry Cohen, Peter D. Donnelly, Robert Muggah, Rachel Davis, Anna Realini, Berit Kieselbach, Lori Snyder MacGregor, Irvin Waller, Rebecca Gordon, Michele Moloney-Kitts, Grace Lee and James Gilligan. Transforming Our World: Implementing the 2030 Agenda Through Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. Journal of Public Health Policy (2016) vol. 37, SI, S13-31.  This Article is part of the special issue: Violence, Health, and the 2030 Agenda: Merging Evidence and Implementation.

Barghadouch A, Kristiansen M, Jervelund SS, Hjern A, Montgomery E and Norredam M. Refugee children have fewer contacts to psychiatric healthcare services : an analysis of a subset of refugee children compared to Danish-born peers. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology,2016 51(8) : p. 1125-1136.

Dalgaard NT, Todd BK, Daniel SIF and Montgomery E. The transmission of trauma in refugee families : associations between intra-family trauma communication style, children’s attachment security and psychosocial adjustment. Attachment and human development, 2016 18(1) : p. 69-89.

Filges T, Montgomery E and Kastrup M.The impact of detention on the health of asylum seekers : a systematic review. Research on social work practice, 2016, p. 1-16 [e-pub ahead of print, February 2016].

Hansen-Nord NS, Kjaerulf F, Almendarez J, Morales Rodas V and Castro J. Reducing violence in poor urban areas of Honduras by building community resilience through community-based interventions. International journal of public health, 2016, p. 1-9 [e-pub ahead of print, July 2016].

Jefferson AM. Exacerbating Deprivation: Trajectories of Confinement in Sierra Leone. In: Ruth Armstrong and Ioan Durnescu, editors. Parole and beyond: International Experiences of Life After Prison. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016: chapter 10.

Jefferson AM. Situated Perspectives on the Global Fight against Torture. In: Sarah Armstrong, Jarrett Blaustein, Alistair Henry, editors. Reflexivity and Criminal Justice: Intersections of Policy, Practice and Research. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016: 335-356.

Jefferson AM and Martin TM. Prisons in Africa. In: Yvonne Jewkes, Ben Crewe, Jamie Bennett, editors. Handbook on prisons. Abingdon [United Kingdom]: Routledge, 2016: 423-440.

Kjaerulf F, Lee B, Cohen L, Donnelly P, Turner S, Davis R, Realini A, Mcloney-Kitts M, Gordon R, Lee G and Gilligan J. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development : a golden opportunity for global violence prevention. International journal of public health, 2016, 61(8). Full text

Mikton CR, Tanako M, Tomlinson M, Streiner DL, Tonmyr L, Lee BX, Fisher J, Hegadoren K, Pim JE, Wang S-J and MacMillan HL. Global research priorities for interpersonal violence prevention: a modified Delphi study. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2016, 95(1) : p. 36-48. Full text

Larsson B, Gard G, Karlsson L, Persson A. Patient expectations for a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme: active participation and coping skills: a qualitative study. Disability and rehabilitation, 2016, 38(21) : p. 2135-2143.

Utas M and Christensen MM. The gift of violence: ex-militias and ambiguous relations during post-war elections in Sierra Leone. African conflict and peacebuilding review, 2016, 6(2) : p. 23-47.

Wang S-J, Bytyçi A, Izeti S, Kallaba M, Rushiti F, Montgomery E and Modvig J. A novel bio-psycho-social approach for rehabilitation of traumatized victims of torture and war in the post-conflict context: a pilot randomized controlled trial in Kosovo. Conflict and Health, 2016 10(1). Full text

Other publications

Andersen MK. A broken system (Debate). Dhaka Tribune, 2016, August 7. Full text

Chemlali A. In the name of democracy. TORTURE : Asian and global perspectives, 2016, 5 (1) : 62-63. Full text

Christensen MM. Securing Sierra Leone 1997–2013: defence, diplomacy and development in action, by Peter Albrecht and Paul Jackson [book review]. African affairs, 2016, 115(459) : p. 372-373.

Hedlund A. Våld och Socialisering: Våldets Organisation bland Huturebeller i Kongo. In: Edling Christofer & Rostami Amir, editors. Våldets Sociala Dimensioner: Individ, Relation, Organisation. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2016: 209-227.

Jacobsen L. Massage med fokus på nervesystemet. In: Nanna Linde, editor. Lærebog i massage. København: Munksgaard, 2016: 95-112.

Jensen S, Kelly T. Missing torture amongst the poor. OpenGlobalRights / openDemocracy, 2016: 2 p. Full text

Kiama P, Christiansen C, Chemlali A, Kelly T and Jensen S. Violence amongst the urban poor in Nairobi. Kenya: IMLU, 2016: 2 p. Full text

Modvig J. Death penalty – torture or ill-treatment? In: Ivan Simonovic, editor. Death penalty and the victims. New York: United Nations, 2016: 164-174.

Montgomery, E. Det sociale arbejde med børn og unge fra traumatiserede flygtningefamilier. UDENFOR NUMMER, 2016, 32: p. 26-35 Full text

Mumm H. Musikterapi med uledsagede mindreårige flygtninge. Tidsskriftet Dansk Musikterapi, 2016, 13(2) : p. 3-8.

Sapir EB (ed.); Contrib. authors: Stroumsa R, Søndergaard E, Alkhatib SA, Grinberg O, Odeh S, Shir E, Modvig J and Ruben R. Documenting torture while providing legal aid: a handbook for lawyers. PCATI and DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2016.

Sjölund BH (ed.); Contrib. authors: Harlacher U, Jansen GB, Kastrup M, Madsen A-G, Montgomery E, Polatin P, Prip K, Sjölund BH. Al-Dalil al-maydani li-majlis abhath i´adah ta´hil al-dahaya al-ta´dhib [DIGNITY Field manual on rehabilitation] : version 2.2. Copenhagen: DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2016.

Peer-reviewed books and book chapters

Filges T, Montgomery E, Kastrup M and Jørgensen AMK. The impact of detention on the health of asylum seekers : a systematic review. Oslo : Campbell Collaboration, 2015. Full text

Jefferson AM, Gaborit LS. Human Rights in Prisons: Comparing Institutional Encounters in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the Philippines. Houndsmills : Palgrave-MacMillan, 2015.

Jefferson AM. Performing ethnography : infiltrating prison spaces. In: Deborah H. Drake, Rod Earle, Jennifer Sloan, editors. The Palgrave handbook of prison ethnography. (Palgrave studies in prisons and penology). Basingstoke [United Kingdom]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015: 169-186.

Jensen S. Conflicting Logics of Exceptionality: New Beginnings and the Problem of Police Violence in Post-Apartheid South Africa. In: Gerhard A, Zenker O, editors. Transition and Justice : negotiating the terms of new beginnings in Africa (Development and Change Special Issues). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015: 65-84. [Originally published in: Development and Change, 2014, 45 (3): 458-478]

Nissen M, Vitus K, Jefferson AM and Ingholt L. Utopiarbejde: udkast til en forskningsmetode. In: Jane Ege Møller, Søren S.E. Bengtsen, Karen P. Munk, editors. Metodefetichisme: kvalitativ metode på afveje. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2015: 145-171. 

Peer-reviewed articles

Agger I. Calming the mind : healing after mass atrocity in Cambodia. Transcultural psychiatry,2015, p. 1-18 [e-pub ahead of print, February 2015]. Full text

Dalgaard N and Montgomery E. Disclosure and silencing: A systematic review of the literature on patterns of trauma communication in refugee families. Transcultural psychiatry, 2015, p. 1-15 [e-pub ahead of print, February 2015]. Full text

Gaborit LS and Jefferson AM.Mærket af fængslet : følelsers rolle i etnografisk fængselsforskning. Psyke & logos 36(1) : 153-173.

Jensen S. Between illegality and recognition : exploring sacrificial violence in a Manila brotherhood. Critique of Anthropology, 2015, 35 (1) : p. 64-77. Full text

Jensen S. Corporealities of violence : rape and the shimmering of embodied and material categories in South Africa. Critical African studies, 2015, 2(7) : p. 99-117.

Rodgers D and Jensen S. The problem with templates : learning from organic gang-related violence reduction. Stability: international journal of security and development, 2015, 1(4) : p. 1-16. Full text

Other publications

Ali F, Andersen MK, Chemlali A, Modvig J, Ronsbo H and Skar M. Consequences of Torture and Organized Violence: Libya Needs Assessment Survey. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2015. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 8). Full text

Andersen MK. Bangladesh : the making of politics. TORTURE : Asian and global perspectives, 2015, 3 (6) : 32-37.Full text

Andersen MK. Korruption. Også en udfordring i Danmark (Debate). Politiken [daily newspaper], 2015, May 3 (section 2): 12.

Andersen MK and Wendt E. Law as repression. Torture : Asian and global perspectives, 2015 4(1-2) : 15-18. Full text

Baker J and DIGNITY. Conditions for Women in Detention in Albania: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2015. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 10). Full text

Baker J and DIGNITY. Conditions for Women in Detention in Albania: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2015. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 11). Full text

Baker J and DIGNITY. Conditions for Women in Detention in Albania: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2015. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 12). Full text

Baker J and Søndergaard E. Conditions for Women in Detention in Jordan: Needs, vulnerabilities and good practices. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2015. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 9). Full text

Chehabi L-L.Prévention et éradication de la torture : le chantier tunisien.Courrier de l’ACAT, 2015, 330 : 52-53. Full text

Chemlali A. Trofæfotografier – krigens selfies., 2015, January 15. Full text

Chemlali A. Floating cemetery : unwanted and abandoned at sea. TORTURE : Asian and global perspectives, 2015, 4(1-2) : 63-64.Full text

Chemlali A. Loss & Love in the Middle East. TORTURE : Asian and global perspectives, 2015, 3 (6) : 53-54.Full text

Verland K. Derfor fejler integrationen i Danmark (Debate). Politiken [daily newspaper], 2015, Juni 17 (section Kultur): 9. Full text

Verland K. Så hør dog efter! (Debate). Jyllandsposten [daily newspaper], 2015, April 26 (section Karriere): 2. Full text

Peer-reviewed articles

Hansen-Nord NS, Skar M, Kjaerulf F, Almendarez J, Bähr S, Sosa Ó, Castro J, Andersen A-MN, Modvig J. Social capital and violence in poor urban areas in Honduras. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2014, 6 p.

Jefferson AM. Conceptualizing confinement : prisons and poverty in Sierra Leone. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2014, 14 (1): 44-60.

Jensen NK,Johansen KSKastrup M,Krasnik A, and Norredam M. Patient experienced continuity of care in the psychiatric healthcare system : a study including immigrants, refugees and ethnic Danes. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2014, 11(9): 9739-9759.

Jensen S. Conflicting Logics of Exceptionality: New Beginnings and the Problem of Police Violence in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Development and Change, 2014, 45 (3): 458-478.

Martin TM, Jefferson AM, Bandyopadhyay M. Sensing prison climates : governance, survival, and transition. Focaal – journal of global and historical anthropology, 2014, (68): 3-17.

Phaneth S, Panha P, Sopheap T, Harlacher U. and Polatin P. Education as Treatment for Chronic Pain in Survivors of Torture and Other Violent Events in Cambodia: Experiences With Implementation of a Group-Based “Pain School” and Evaluation of Its Effect in a Pilot Study. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 2014, 19 (1): 53–69.

Zabiliute E. Notes from the field: Delhi Assembly elections, daru and politisation of violence against women. Feminist review, 2014, 107: 90-97.

Peer-reviewed books and book chapters

Jacobsen L and Ammundsen T. Family matters: a case of mutual growth. In: Overland G, Guribye E and Lie B, editors. Nordic work with traumatized refugees: do we really care. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014: 156-172.

Jefferson AM. Performances of victimhood, allegation and disavowal in Sierra Leone. In: Jensen S and Ronsbo H, editors. Histories of victimhood. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014: 218-238.

Jensen S. Negotiating victimhood in Nkomazi, South Africa. In: Jensen S and Ronsbo H, editors. Histories of victimhood. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014: 104-123.

Jensen S. Stunted future : ‘buryong’ among young men in Manila. In: Dalsgård AL, Frederiksen MD, Højlund S and Meinert L, editors. Ethnographies of youth and temporality: time objectified. Philadelphia: Temple University, 2014: 41-56.

Jensen S, Bjarnesen J. Violence and urban politics : introduction. In: Moksnes H and Melin M, editors. Claiming the city : civil society mobilisation by the urban poor. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2014: 163-171.

Jensen S, Hapal K. Policing Bagong Silang: Intimacy and politics in the Philippines. In: Albrecht P and Kyed HM, editors. Policing and the Politics of Order-Making. Oxon: Routledge, 2014: 24-39.

Jensen S, Ronsbo H. Histories of victimhood. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.

Jensen S, Stepputat F. Demobilizing civilians. In: Lind G, editor. Civilians at war. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2014: 203-234. 

Modvig J. Violence, sexual abuse and torture in prisons. In: Enggist S, Møller L, Galea G and Udesen C, editors. Health in Prisons. Copenhagen: WHO Europe region, 2014: 19-26.

Montgomery E. Consequences of torture and organised violence among children and youth from the Middle East. In: Overland G, Guribye E and Lie B, editors. Nordic work with traumatized refugees: do we really care. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014: 221-233.

Ronsbo H. Ansiedades psicosociais e o enigma da violencia publica. In: Cardia N and Astolfi R, editors. Tortura na era dos direitos humanos. Sao Paulo: Editora da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2014: 253-273.

Ronsbo H, Jensen S. Introduction. Histories of victimhood: assemblages, transactions and figures. In: Jensen S and Ronsbo H, editors. Histories of victimhood. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014: 1-22.

Ronsbo H, Paniagua W. Between recognition and care: victims, NGOs and the state in the Guatemalan postconflict victimhood assemblages. In: Jensen S and Ronsbo H, editors. Histories of victimhood. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014: 124-143.

Sveaass N, Agger I, Elsass P, Hamber B and Sønneland, AM. Surviving gross human rights violations : exploring survivors’ experience of justice and reparations. In: Cooper S and Ratele K, editors. Psychology serving humanity: proceedings of the 30thInternational Congress of Psychology : Volume 2: Western psychology. London: Psychology Press, 2014: 67-83.

Van Den Bergh B, Plugge E, Aguirre IY. Women’s health and the prison setting. In: Enggist S, Møller L, Galea G and Udesen C, editors. Health in Prisons. Copenhagen: WHO Europe region, 2014: 159-164.

Ph.D. theses

Prip K. Disability among tortured refugees in relation to pain and sensory function in their feet, Ph.D. thesis, University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Public Health, 2014.

Conference contributions

Ammundsen T. Verden set gennem udsatte flygtningefamiliers øjne. Integrationstræf 14: om at rydde sten af vejen, KL og Socialstyrelsen, 2014, september 8, Kolding.

Gaborit L. Practices of Othering and Complicity in Prison Reform Work – Studying prison reform in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the Philippines. Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, Liverpool John Mores University, 2014, September 4, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Gaborit L, Jefferson AM. What Encounters Count? Understanding prisons as relational spaces. Annual Conference of The Royal Geographical Society, International British Geography, Royal Geographical Society, 2014,August 29, London, United Kingdom.

Harnish H. Perspectives on `the urge to kill´ among ex-combatants from the Lords Resistance Army in Acholiland, Northern Uganda. PhD seminar, The trouble with violence – lessons from psychology, sociology and anthropology. Copenhagen University, CRIC, 2014, May 13-14, Copenhagen.

Harnisch H, Montgomery E, Knoop H. Conceptualizing Resilience: Avoidance, silence and dissociation as resilient trajectories among former child soldiers and ex-combatants coping with past trauma and present double bind situations in Northern Uganda. 2nd World Congress 2014, May 8-10th, Romania.

Jefferson AM. Surviving Prisons in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the Philippines. Lecture, ‘Close Encounters’, University of Bangor, 2014, March 31, Wales, United Kingdom.

Jensen S. The Violence of Resettlement. Symposium, The Urban Turn In Development Sociology : Agency and Ordering in the City, Wageningen University, 2014, June 30-July 1, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Jensen S. Violent exchange: Corruption and Sovereign Power in urban centres of the Global South. Urban Studies Seminar Series, Glasgow University, 2014, May 9, Glasgow, Scotland.

Jensen S. Exploring Issues of Confinement and Violence in Urban Poor Communities and Jail Settings. Balay, Danish Institute against Torture (DIGNITY), University of the Philippines, 2014, April 1, Quezon City, Philippines. 

Jensen S, Langa M. Violent Exchange – reciprocity and sovereign power in policing urban neighbourhoods. 1994-2014: 20 years of South African Democracy Programme Outline, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 2014, April 24-26, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Montgomery E. Working Group on Resettlement (WGR), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). 2014, February 3-4, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Montgomery E. Traumatiserede flygtningebørn. Dansk Flygtningehjælps Unge Netværk (DFUNK). 2014, June 25, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Polatin P. Narrative therapies for victims of torture and other severe traumatic events. Lecture, Global Mental Health: Trauma and recovery Certificate Program, The Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Harvard Medical School – Department of Continuing Education, 2014, November 13, Orvieto, Italy. 

Reimer K. Finding the right information and literature on refugee trauma at the right time. Lecture, Global Mental Health: Trauma and recovery Certificate Program, The Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Harvard Medical School – Department of Continuing Education, 2014, November 21, Orvieto, Italy.

Ronsbo, H. Is there a thing called Central American post-conflict societies? 21st Century Latin America: Conflict to Post-Conflict Violence, Saint Andrews University, 6-7 march 2014

Peer-reviewed articles

Dinesen CRonsbo H, Juarez C, Gonzales M, Mendez MAE, Modvig J. Violence and social capital in post-conflict Guatemala. Rev Panam Salud Publica, 2013, 34 (3) : 162-168. 

Kold C. Synthetic soldiers and a priori commands : opposing positions for observing the military?. Defence Studies, 2013, 13 (1) : 99-124.

Kold C. New operations – new attitudes? Are soldiers’ attitudes influenced by the objectives of peace operations. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 2013, 17 (1-2) : 46-73.

Kold C. Warriors or Peace Soldiers. International Journal of Peace Studies, 2013, 19 (1) : 27-54.

De Haene L, Dalgaard NT, Montgomery E, Grietens H, Verschueren K. Attachment narratives in refugee children: interrater reliability and qualitative analysis in pilot findings from a two-site study. Journal of traumatic stress, 2013, 26 (3) : 413-417. 

Storm T, Engberg M. The impact of immigration detention on the mental health of torture survivors is poorly documented : a systematic review. Danish Medical Journal, 2013, 60 (11) : A4728.

Books, reports and book chapters

Birkeland SA. I kamp for Danmark : danske skæbner i 2. verdenskrig. København, Gyldendal, 2013.

Jefferson AM. The situated production of legitimacy: Perspectives from the global South. In: Tankebe J and Liebling A, editors. Legitimacy and criminal justice: an international exploration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013: 248-266. 

Jensen S, Hapal K, Modvig J. Violence in Bagong Silang : a research report prepared in collaboration between DIGNITY and Balay. København; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2013. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 2).

Jensen S, Stepputat F. Afterword: Notes on securitization and temporality. In: Holbraad M and Pedersen MA, editors. Times of security: ethnographies of fear, protest and the future. New York: Routledge, 2013: 213-221.

Kold C, Sørensen H. Psychological stress. In: Guiseppe Caforio, editor. Soldiers without Frontiers: The View from the Ground. Experiences of Asymmetric Warfare. Rome: Bonnoeditore, 2013: 233-254.

Kold C, Sørensen H. Country Chapter – Denmark. In: Guiseppe Caforio, editor. Soldiers without Frontiers: The View from the Ground. Experiences of Asymmetric Warfare. Rome: Bonnoeditore, 2013: 289-297.

Lützen TS, Montgomery E. Opfølgningsundersøgelse : mod en fælles indsats – netværksarbejde til forebyggelse af ungdomskriminalitet i traumatiserede flygtningefamilier. København: DIGNITY – Dansk Institut Mod Tortur, 2013. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 3). 

Nielsen, HF. Interventions for physiotherapists working with torture survivors : with special focus on chronic pain, PTSD, and sleep disturbances. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2013. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 6). 

Risør H, Bang, KT, Jensen S. Revisiting Perpetration : The blurred bounderies of violence. Copenhagen; DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2013. (DIGNITY publication series on torture and organised violence; 5).

Sjölund BH (ed.); Contrib. authors: Harlacher UJansen GBKastrup MMadsen A-GMontgomery EPolatin P, Prip KSjölund BH. DIGNITY Field manual on rehabilitation : version 2.2. Copenhagen: DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture, 2013.

Prison Watch Sierra Leone with the support of DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture [Contributions from Louise Simonsen Aaen]. Children and juveniles in detention – Study on compliance with International Standards in Sierra Leone. København: DIGNITY- Danish Institute Against Torture, 2013. (DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence; 4).

Ph.D. theses

Andersen MK. The politics of politics youth mobilization, aspirations and the threat of violence at Dhaka University, Ph.D. thesis, Roskilde University, ISG, 2013. 

Christensen MM. Shadow Soldiering – Mobilisation, Militarisation and the Politics of Global Security in Sierra Leone, Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Anthropology, 2013.

Johansen ML. In the borderland : Palestinian parents navigating Danish welfare state interventions, Ph.D. thesis, Aarhus University, Department of culture and society, 2013.

Rasmussen, J. The Chameleon and the Mugumo tree : The politics of the Kenyan Mungiki movement, Ph.D. thesis, University of Roskilde, 2013.

Conference contributions

Ammundsen T, Jacobsen L. Familiebehandling med traumatiserede flygtningefamilier. The 18th Nordic Conference for Therapists and care-givers Working with Traumatised Refugees, 2013, April 18-20, Bergen, Norway. 

Barghadouch, A., Kristiansen, M., Nielsen, S.S., Montgomery, E., Hjern, A., Nørredam, M. Are there differences in psychiatric contacts among refugee children compared with their native Danish peers? A registry-based Danish cohort study. EUPHA, 2013, November Brussels.

Egelund A. Reaching prisoners in Zambia with HIV prevention. Seminar: ‘Working on the margins – approaches to reaching key populations’, AIDSnet, 2013, March 21, Copenhagen.

Gaborit, Liv S. Subjectification in Philippine Jails. The Stuck, the Mobile and the Disclocated – reflections on life in ghettos, slums, camps and prisons, Aalborg University and DIGNITY, 2013, October 30-November 1, Copenhagen.

Gaborit, Liv S. Ritualised subjectification – resistance to objectification in Philippine jails. Critical Criminology in a Changing World – Tradition and Innovation. 41th Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, 2013, Oslo.

Harlacher U, Nordin L, Hansen A. “Actimeter” as an innovative tool for the objective measurement of sleep-disorder of torture-survivors with complex PTSD. Poster presentation, The 13th European Conference on Traumatic Stress, 2013, June 6-9, Bologna, Italy.

Harnisch H. Unbecoming a Perpetrator – becoming a no one, a victim, a somebody, a hero. Presentation, 10th Biannual Conference of InternationalAssociation of Genocide Scholars, 2013, June 19-22, Siena, Italy.

Harnisch H, Montgomery E, Knoop H. Next time I will be more than this : Navigating stuckness and identities among Ex-Child Combatants in Northern Uganda. The Stuck, the Mobile and the Dislocated : Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Slums, Camps and Prisons, 2013, October 30-November 1, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Harnisch H, Montgomery E, Knoop H. Strategies of Survival and Becoming : Resilience among Ex-Child Combatants in Northern Uganda. The 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 2013, September 3-7, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Jefferson AM. Confinement and Subjectivity – sites, embodied practices and entangled encounters. Symposium : Confinement viewed through the prism of the social sciences : Contrasting facilities, confronting approaches, 2013, October 16-19, Pessac, France.

Jefferson AM. Confinement and Subjectivity: sites, embodied practices and entangled encounters. Sites of Confinement, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013, March 22, Liverpool.

Jefferson AM. Unsettled restlessness and the confines of time. The Stuck, the Mobile and the Dislocated : Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Slums, Camps and Prisons, 2013, October 30-November 1, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jensen S. Between illegality and recognition: Masculinity and brotherhood in Manila. Southeast Asian Network meeting, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen, 2013, April 18-19, Copenhagen.

Jensen S. Corporealities of violence: rape and the stabilization of bodies in South Africa. Keynote address, Corporealities of Violence in Southern Africa, 2013, September 4-6, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Jensen S. Lejren tur/ retur. ‘Forsker i fokus’ om Giorgio Agamben, Center for sociologiske studier (CESAU), Aarhus Universitet, 2013, April 30, Århus.

Jensen S. Ordinary and Extraordinary Violence: Authority and Corruption in Philippine Policing. Presentation, “When Individuals and States Go Bad : State-Sponsored Violence and Murder”, 2013, October 23, Lund, Sweden.

Jensen S. Policing Bagong Silang – politics and the privatization of public interest. Presentation and organizer, “Crisis and Conflict” : Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology, 4th bi-annual Conference of PACSA, 2013, August 28-30, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Jensen S. Subjectivity and de-subjectification among Coloureds in Cape Town. Keynote speaker, ¿Qué sujeto, cual conflicto? Subjetividad, Política y relaciones interculturales en América Latina y el mundo, 2013, December 12-14, Santiago, Chile.

Jensen S. Temporality of Resettlement: reflections on a chronotop. ‘Property and Citizenship in Developing Societies’, Panel 4(b): Resettlement, Ressources and the Reordering of Authority, 1st Conference of the Procit Research Network, University of Copenhagen, 2013, May 28-31, Frederiksberg.

Jensen S. Violence and urban politics. Parallel sessions, ‘Claiming the city : civil society mobilization by the urban poor’, 2013, April 16-17, Uppsala, Sweden.

Jensen S. Violent Exchange : police violence and corruption in the Philippines and South Africa. Presentation, Antropología Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013, December 11, Santiago, Chile.

Johansen ML. Et blik på netværksmødernes målgruppe. Tværfagligt samarbejde med udsatte familier, DIGNITY, 2013, February 4, Copenhagen.

Klahr A. Kropslige ressourcer og kropsbevidsthed hos traumatiserede og torturerede flygtninge målt med Body Awareness Scale- et fysioterapeutisk pilotprojekt. The 18th Nordic Conference for Therapists and care-givers Working with Traumatised Refugees, 2013, April 18-20, Bergen, Norway.

Klahr A. Smerter hos torturerede og traumatiserede flygtninge set ud fra teorien om neuromatrix. Netværkskonference for fysioterapeuter og psykomotoriske terapeuter, 2013, November 5, Vejle.

Montgomery E. Børn og unge med flygtningebaggrund – traume, eksil og psykisk sundhed. ELSA DAY : Uledsagede flygtningebørn i Danmark – Jagten på værdighed, sikkerhed og en bedre fremtid, 2013, March 20, Copenhagen.

Montgomery E. Stress and Coping During Fieldwork. Abstract, The loose ends of fieldwork, University of Copenhagen, 2013, March 1-3, Copenhagen.

Montgomery E. Trauma and resilience in young refugees from the Middle East, 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 2013, Lausanne.

Montgomery E. Traumatiserede flygtningebørn livsvilkår. Inspirationskonference om minoritetsbørn og børn med flere sprog, 2013, March 18-19, Copenhagen.

Nordin L, Harlacher U, Engberg M, Lundh LG, Perrin S. Very Brief Exposure in PTSD : A pilot project on tortured and traumatised refugees. Poster presentation, The 13th European Conference on Traumatic Stress, 2013, June 6-9, Bologna, Italy.

Persson AL, Prip K. Stimulus-evoked pain in the feet: impact on walking speed in traumatized and tortured refugees. Poster presentation, European Federation of IASP® Chapters (EFIC) Congress 2013 “Pain in Europe VIII”, 2013, October 9-12, Florence, Italy.

Rønsbo H, Jeppesen S. A Pragmatic Approach to Constructed dialogue and tempus. Presentation, 10th Biannual Conference of InternationalAssociation of Genocide Scholars, 2013, June 19-22, Siena, Italy.

Rønsbo H. Histories of Victimhood. Between rule and recognition in the Guatemalan post-conflict assemblage. Presentation, Encounters and Engagements : Creating New Agendas for Medical Anthropology, 2013, June 12-14, Tarragona, Spain.

Rønsbo H. Violencia y Sentido. Las Memorias de la Guerra, Universidad de El Salvador, 2013, September 26-27, El Salvador.

Storm T, Engberg M. The impact of immigration detention on the mental health of torture survivors : a systematic review. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry, 2013, April 9, Nice.

Zabiliute, E. Ambiguous Citizens, Different Bodies. Property and Citizenship in Developing Societies, 2013, May 28-31, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Zabiliute, E. Because of Tension, Every Illness Comes. Social Mobility in Post-reform India, 2013, November 7-8, Delhi University, Delhi, India.

Zabiliute, E. Drawing Boundaries of Sonia Gandhi Camp. Social mobility, Inequity and City in the Global South, 2013 June 21-22, New York University, New York, USA.

Zabiliute, E. Poverty, kamzori and tension: embodied uncertainty in a Delhi slum. The Stuck, the Mobile and the Dislocated: Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Slums, Camps and Prisons, 2013, October 30-November 1, Alborg University and DIGNITY, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Zabiliute, E. Precarious Bodies: Governing a Slum in New Delhi, 2013, April 23-25, Leiden, Netherlands.